"Love the stuff. Our best seller at Dee Why Vitamins." Tommy Azimi - Health Addicts.
"My customers at The Plant Organic Cafe & Market love your Kvass! Thankyou!"
Find us in IGA's, other Independent Grocers and Health Food Stores. Please check with your store before travelling to ensure they have your selection available. Because we're a raw living product you will find us in the fridge!
If you cannot find a store near you - you can order our products Online. We ship all around Australia.
If you like our Kvass we would love to hear from you via this LINK.
Western Australia -
- Albany -
The Health Nut, Good Life
- Applecross -
- Armadale -
Good Life Health (Healthy Choice), The Organic Circle
- Bayswater -
Go Raw Organics (Online)
- Beaconsfield -
- Belmont -
Stay Healthy, WLC Medical
- Bibra Lake -
- Bicton -
Fresh Provisions, Gerald Burns Pharmacy
- Broome -
- Bunbury -
The Plant Organic Cafe & Market, Goodlife Stirling, Healthy Notions Eaton, Go Vita Bunbury
- Bussleton -
Life Force Wholefoods Abbey
- Carine -
IGA Carine
- Cavisham -
Perth Organics (on-line store)
- Churchlands -
- Claremont -
Farmer Jacks
- Clarkson -
Go Vita Ocean Keys
- Como -
Loose Produce
- Cottesloe -
My Health Market, Nature's Harvest, Boatshed Markets, IGA Eric Street
- Denmark -
The Denmark Health Shop, Local Harvest Denmark (on-line shop)
- Doubleview -
IGA Doubleview
- Dunsborough -
- East Fremantle -
- East Perth -
Organic on Charles
- East Vic Park -
IGA East Vic Park
- Eaton -
Healthy Notions
- Ellenbrook -
- Erskine -
Erskine Discount Drug Store
- Floreat -
- Fremantle -
Manna Wholefoods, Peaches, Nourish Health Freo
- Geraldton -
Nature's Choice Health Products
- Hamilton Hill -
- Hillarys -
- Inglewood -
Organic on the Go
- Innaloo -
Go Vita Innaloo
- Joondalup -
- Kadinya -
- Kalamunda -
IGA Kalamunda (Naturally Fresh), Our own Farmer's Market Stall
- Kensington -
Gorilla Chiropractor
- Leederville -
IGA Good Grocer
- Mandurah -
EcoSpa, Erskine Discount Drug Store, Health Kick Mandurah, Rumps Gourmet Butchery and Other Fine Foods in Meadow Springs
- Margaret River -
Annapurna Wholefoods, Blue Ginger
- Meadow Springs -
- Melville -
- Midland -
- Morley -
- Mt Claremont - Our own Farmers Market Stall
- Mt Hawthorn -
Mt Hawthorn Health Foods
- Mt Lawley -
Fresh Provisions, IGA 2nd Ave, Organic on the Go
- Mullaloo -
IGA Mullaloo
- Myaree -
The Good Grocer, The General Store
- Narrogin -
Wild & Waste Free
- Nedlands -
Taylor Road IGA
- North Perth -
- O'Connor -
- Phoenix -
Farmer Jacks
- Safety Bay -
- Scarborough -
- Shenton Park -
The Good Grocer Shenton Park IGA
- Spearwood -
Farmer Jacks Phoenix Shopping Centre
- Subiaco -
Stay Healthy
- Swanbourne -
Swanbourne Market IGA X-press
- Thornlie -
- Victoria Park -
Loose Produce, IGA East Vic Park
- Wangara -
The Little Big Store
- Wembley -
- Whitfords -
Health Kick Whitfords
- Willagee -
- Willetton -
My Health Market Southlands, Sam's Health Emporium
- Yokine -
New South Wales +
- AAA - Contact 0450 167 614 to become a stockist -
- Bathurst -
- Cammeray -
Taste Organics
- Dee Why -
- Enmore -
- Homebush West -
Lettuce Organics
- Hornsby -
- Kings Cross -
- Manly -
- Maroubra -
- Milton -
- North Rocks -
- Orange -
- Pambula -
- Toormina -
Victoria +
- Albury -
Olive Health Foods
- Ascot Vale -
- Ballarat -
Go Vita Ballarat
- Balmain -
Health & Home Balmain
- Balwyn -
Viva La Fruit
- Bentleigh East -
The Female Clinic
- Bright -
- Brunswick East -
Ceres Organic Grocery
- Colac -
Jo's Pantry
- Cowes -
Cowes IGA Plus Liquor, The Corner Dispensary
- Croydon South -
- Daylesford -
- Elsternwick -
- Epping -
Go Vita Healthbiotics, Unpacked, Earthy Mamma
- Ferntree Gully -
- Fitzroy -
Wild Things Food, The Fermentary at Pickwick House
- Frankston -
Karingal Health and Wellbeing
- Geelong -
- Grantville -
Mineral & Marrow
- Healesville -
- Hoppers Crossing -
Makaus Deli
- Kallista -
Kallista Biodynamic Market
- Keilor East -
HealthQuest Wellbeing Centre
- Melbourne -
Fredericks Queen Vic Market
- Moonee Ponds -
HealthQuest Wellbeing Centre, Ladybird Organics
- Mulgrave -
Go Vita Waverley Gardens
- Narre Warren -
Good Food Emporium
- Newtown -
- Porepunkah -
Bright Organics
- Prahran -
Prahran Health Foods
- Preston -
- Richmond -
DeMarias Grocer
- Rye -
- Sandringham -
Holistic Health Store
- Shepparton -
Bunbartha Beef, Red Truck Cafe
- South Melbourne -
Moses & Co, Passionfoods Organic Fruit and Vegetable and Grocery Store, South Melbourne Market Organics
- Thornbury -
- Torquay -
- Traralgon -
Natures Health
- Warragul -
Baw Baw Food Hub
- Williamstown -
Replenish Organic
- Yackandandah -
Pickle and Herb
- Yarrawonga -
The Bridge of Healthfoods
South Australia +
- Mile End -
Tasmania +
- Hobart -
- Kingston -
Australian Capital Territory +
- Griffith -